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SYDStories: Sydney Airport history

The history of Sydney Airport is intertwined with the history of the Cooks River, Sydney and Australia, as well as the history of aviation itself. SYDStories is a collection of the stories that make up this history, from before...

Heritage sites along the Cooks River

The Cooks River is home to a number of significant heritage sites. To learn more search ‘Cooks River’ on the NSW Stage Heritage Register website found on the Office of Environment Visit: https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/heritageapp/heritagesearch.aspx

Gen2Gen Cooks River stories

Gen2Gen: Cooks River Stories was an innovative story recording project that helped to foster positive intergenerational connections within the Canterbury community. Students from Canterbury Public and Boys High interviewed locals, capturing fascinating stories of the social, cultural and environmental...

Aboriginal History Along the Cooks River

There is a long history of Aboriginal associations with the Cooks River catchment found from the archaeological past, and oral and documentary history from more recent times. This publication compiles and reviews previous research and records to create a...