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profile of great egret, bird looking out

Cooks River Catchment Coastal Management Program

The Cooks River Alliance is bringing together stakeholders from across the catchment to develop a long-term strategy with actions to improve the health of the Cooks River using the NSW Coastal Management Act. The final Cooks River Catchment Coastal...

Cooks River Rescue: School Stormwater Action Program

Cooks River Rescue School Action Program The Cooks River Alliance has partnered with the Georges River Environmental Education Centre (GREEC) to deliver the Cooks River Rescue School Stormwater Action Plan Program. The now completed program involved 19 schools across...

Cooks River Waterway Health Report

How can we comprehensively measure the health of the river and its catchment? Historically, water quality has been the focus of Cooks River health assessments (view previously Cooks River Ecological Health Report Cards here), but there are numerous elements...

Council rangers wearing flouro yellow vests inspect fencing around an apartment building site

Get the Site Right

Why should you care about erosion and sediment control on building sites?   The suburbs around Sydney’s waterways are booming. Our growing population and need for more housing, schools, roads and other amenities has seen a rise in new...

ICO Program for rubbish and weed removal

ICO Program

Mulching, weeding and rubbish removal through the ICO Program As part of its Collaboration & Community Engagement Program, the Alliance works with the NSW Corrective Services’ Intensive Corrections Order (ICO) Program to provide mulching, weeding and rubbish removal at...

Traditional ecological knowledge of the Cooks River.

Traditional Ecological Knowledge Project

How did Aboriginal people live in the Cooks River Catchment? This project uses historical records to share traditional ecological knowledge of the Cooks River catchment and uses computer simulation to create a virtual Cooks River prior to European settlement....

Cooks River Catchment Aboriginal History Project

There is a long history of Aboriginal associations with the Cooks River catchment found from the archaeological past, and oral and documentary history from more recent times. Dr Paul Irish, a historian with over 15 years of experience in...

Cooks River water wise tour for culturally diverse communities

Water Wise for Culturally Diverse Communities

The Cooks River catchment community is characterised by diverse ethnic backgrounds with more than 50% of households speaking a language other than English at home. As part of its Collaboration and Community Engagement Program, the Alliance worked with the...