Home > Events > Wurridjal Djalang – Cooke Park
31 March, 2021
6:30 PM
Cooke Park, Belfield, Cooke Park, Belfield

Come and hear Aboriginal Poets performing works along the banks of the Cooks River!

‘Djalang’ means ‘tongue’ in local Aboriginal languages. The Wurridjal Djalang performance series embraces the beauty and power of the spoken word, inviting you to take a walk with a poet in a local park.

Each Wednesday evening, join us for an intimate performance in a beautiful outdoor setting in selected parks along the course of the Cooks River.

Like the location, each event will be unique. On each evening a small audience will be treated to a spoken word performance by Indigenous poets and story-tellers. Come, listen, and share in a memorable experience.

This event will begin at 6:30pm, and reservations are required.

Places are limited due to COVID restrictions; so unfortunately all attendees without an Eventbrite ticket will be turned away.

Reserve your ticket here.