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Recognising that healthy and accessible urban rivers have far more value than degraded waterways, Business Western Sydney formed the Western Sydney Rivers Taskforce (WSRT).  In September, the Taskforce launched their first report on the current state and future potential for Western Sydney’s waterways.

In September, the Taskforce launched their first report on the current state and future potential for Western Sydney’s waterways. Our Rivers sets out four bold objectives for reconnecting local waterways:

1. To embed First Nations knowledge and involvement into the planning & management of all waterways.
2. Ensure all Western Sydney residents have access to clean and healthy waterways for swimming and recreation within 30 minutes.
3. To revitalise and activate river foreshore areas in our urban centres, to support the economic and social well being of our city.
4. To protect and improve environmentally sensitive waterways.

Read the report here.

Cooks River Alliance are proud to be part of this conversation around our urban waterways. We’re in good company, with our friends at Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG), who are leading the transformation of urban rivers in Sydney. Thank you to Urbis, Sydney Water, Business Western Sydney and Bentley Systems for including the Cooks River Alliance in this initiative.