Landing Lights Wetland Restoration
Bayside Council has recently completed a 3 year intensive on ground restoration project at Landing Lights wetland.
As part of the Cooks River Alliance On-ground Works Program, the Alliance provided funding and assistance to Bayside Council to deliver the works which included mangroves and weed removal. The project was supported through funding from the Australian Government.
Landing Lights Wetland (also known as Riverine Park Wetlands), is an environmentally significant natural area. The site contains some of the last remaining saline wetlands on the Cooks River and includes vegetation identified as threatened under NSW legislation (salt-marsh).
The project aimed to increased habitat for migratory, threatened bird species and support State listed endangered ecological communities at the Landing Lights Cooks River saline wetland.
Highlights of the program include:
- Significant restoration including the removal of mangroves
- Planted new local native species to replace removed species
- Increased community engagement in environmental initiatives
- Developed a community bird watching and monitoring group
Hear from one of the bush regenerators who worked at the site: