The Cooks River Integrated Master Plan will provide a hub for catchment-wide information that does not currently exist for the Cooks River system. The desire for such a hub was identified during a CRA member and key stakeholder engagement workshop during October 2021.
The purpose of the Master Plan is to harmonise inter-agency planning (including local councils) by:
- Providing catchment-wide information and data related to key aspects of urban river management.
- Establishing a consistent catchment-wide branding and storytelling (messaging narrative) for the Cooks River. Known as ‘Our Backyard River.’
- Providing a means of consolidating / integrating the multitude of plans produced within and between agencies (including councils, state agencies, and Sydney Water) that relate to the Cooks River, both past and present.
- Establishing a user-friendly interface that enables our members, stakeholders, and the general community to rapidly identify projects and programs associated with the Cooks River.
This is a 100% State Government funded project ($1 Million) via the NSW Government’s Clean Waterways Election Commitment.