Home > Events > Bushcare at Landing Lights Wetland
03 April, 2025
9:00 AM
Landing Lights Wetland, W Botany St & Spring St, Arncliffe

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Join us for a day out at the Landing Lights Wetland, the last remaining saline wetlands on the Cooks River catchment.

This unique wetland features a variety of ecosystems, including Estuarine Saltmarsh, Swamp Sclerophyll Forest, and Sydney Freshwater Wetlands, all of which are endangered. Landing Lights provides a habitat for numerous bird and animal species. Birdwatchers can spot over 150 species of birds, including Chestnut Teal, Black-winged Stilts, and White-faced Herons. The wetland provides a habitat for numerous bird and animal species. Birdwatchers can spot over 150 species of birds, including Chestnut Teal, Black-winged Stilts, and White-faced Herons.

When: 3 April, 9am-12pm
Where: Landing Lights Wetland, meeting at the Spring St entrance to the wetlands opposite the Barton Park Golf Driving Range.

Volunteers should wear long trousers, long sleeved shirt, covered shoes (boots are best) and a hat. We will provide hand sanitiser, sunscreen, a set of tools, and gloves. We also provide morning tea, so bring your own cup.

Getting There: