The Cooks River Alliance is partnering with the Georges River Environmental Education Centre (GREC) to deliver the Cooks River Rescue School Stormwater Action Plan Program.
Want your school to join? Fill out the EOI application form – limited places remain for Term 4 2020 and places filling now for Term 1 2021.
Next Zoom info session Tues 1 Dec @ 4 – 4.30pm – register here.
The program develops environmentally literate students to lead changes that positively impact the Cooks River, focusing on the issues and actions that can be championed by school students to address stormwater pollution.
The program is open to all stages, classes or environmental groups. It is structured in three parts:
1. An online unit with a sequence of activities and resources delivered via a Google Classrooms site.
2. An incursion to conduct a guided stormwater investigation and initiate a stormwater action plan.
3. Support to carry out school stormwater action plans to positively impact the Cooks River.
We are currently limited to offering this program to 44 schools across the Cooks River catchment. To apply, fill out this EOI form.
This program is made possible thanks to funding from the Federal Government Communities Environment Program in the electorates of Barton, Grayndler, Reid and Watson.