Home > Birdwatching Groups

Greenway Birdos

Learn how to recognise birds and their calls in your area! The GreenWay Birdos meet fortnightly along the GreenWay to conduct surveys of birds. The Dulwich Hill chapter meets at Waratah Mills Light rail outbound platform at 7:30am, fourth Saturday of the month. The Hawthorne Canal Chapter meets at Taverners Hill Light rail station outbound platform at 7:30am, second Wednesday of the month. | Facebook


The Mudlarks conduct monthly surveys of bird activity between Marrickville golf course and Boat Harbour area. Meet at the Lang Rd footbridge in Ewen Park, on the second Tuesday of each month. Download the calendar of events from the Mudcrabs webpage.

Tempe Birdos

Tempe Birdos volunteers have recorded 110+ bird species since monthly surveying began in September 2011. They meet on the second Saturday of the month, 7:30am at Tempe Lands, Water Basin 1, near South St and Station Street, Tempe. | Facebook 

The Flock

A bird watching group that explores a different location each month, generally between and around the Cooks and Port Hacking rivers. Learn about bird identification behaviour and develop an appreciation for the bush, shore and wetland habitats. All levels and ages welcome on the third Sunday of each month. | Facebook