More NSW builders are ‘getting the site right’ according to results from the latest inspection blitz in October 2023.
Regulatory staff from 17 councils across Greater Sydney and regional NSW conducted 1,178 inspections of 978 building and construction sites.
Almost 70 per cent of sites were found to be compliant following a second inspection – an increase of six per cent in compliance since the previous inspection blitz in May 2023.
There was also an 18% improvement in compliance between first and second inspections, highlighting the importance of regular monitoring and ongoing education.
For non-compliant sites, councils issued 66 penalty notices to the value of $314,824.
Offences included poorly stabilised access points and damaged or no sediment fences and other controls.
Sediment not properly contained on building sites can be washed or blown off the site and into stormwater drains, reducing water quality in local waterways and harming aquatic life.
Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG) Chair, Councillor Mark Drury, said the continued improvement in compliance rate was encouraging as the group continues its efforts to improve water quality in the Parramatta River for swimming and other recreational use.
“This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Our Living River mission to make the Parramatta River swimmable,” Cr Drury said.
“As we prepare to celebrate this milestone event as well as the opening of two more swim sites on the river, the steady improvement in compliance rate highlights the important role builders and developers play in protecting our local waterways and environment,” Cr Drury said.
Get the Site Right is a joint taskforce between the Cooks River Alliance, Georges Riverkeeper, NSW Environment Protection Authority, NSW Dept of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, Parramatta River Catchment Group, Sydney Coastal Councils Group, WaterNSW, and councils across NSW.
The next inspection blitz will be held in May 2024.
Members of the public are encouraged to report pollution incidents, including poor sediment control, to their local council or via the NSW EPA’s 24-hour Environment Line on 131 555.
More NSW builders are ‘getting the site right’ according to results from the latest inspection blitz in October 2023.
Regulatory staff from 17 councils across Greater Sydney and regional NSW conducted 1,178 inspections of 978 building and construction sites.
Almost 70 per cent of sites were found to be compliant following a second inspection – an increase of six per cent in compliance since the previous inspection blitz in May 2023.
There was also an 18% improvement in compliance between first and second inspections, highlighting the importance of regular monitoring and ongoing education.
For non-compliant sites, councils issued 66 penalty notices to the value of $314,824.
Offences included poorly stabilised access points and damaged or no sediment fences and other controls.
Sediment not properly contained on building sites can be washed or blown off the site and into stormwater drains, reducing water quality in local waterways and harming aquatic life.
Parramatta River Catchment Group (PRCG) Chair, Councillor Mark Drury, said the continued improvement in compliance rate was encouraging as the group continues its efforts to improve water quality in the Parramatta River for swimming and other recreational use.
“This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Our Living River mission to make the Parramatta River swimmable,” Cr Drury said.
“As we prepare to celebrate this milestone event as well as the opening of two more swim sites on the river, the steady improvement in compliance rate highlights the important role builders and developers play in protecting our local waterways and environment,” Cr Drury said.
Get the Site Right is a joint taskforce between the Cooks River Alliance, Georges Riverkeeper, NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, Parramatta River Catchment Group, Sydney Coastal Councils Group, WaterNSW, and councils across NSW.
The next inspection blitz will be held in May 2024.
Members of the public are encouraged to report pollution incidents, including poor sediment control, to their local council or via the NSW EPA’s 24-hour Environment Line on 131 555.
Participating councils in the October 2023 campaign: Bayside Council, Blacktown City Council, Campbelltown City Council, City of Canterbury Bankstown, City of Parramatta, City of Ryde, Georges River Council, Inner West Council, Lake Macquarie City Council, North Sydney Council, Northern Beaches Council, Randwick City Council, Shoalhaven City Council, Sutherland Shire Council, Waverley Council, Willoughby City Council, and Woollahra Municipal Council.